Smoothies with thyme honey 80% under 250 Calories

Smoothie joints can pack 400 calories in a 20-ounce cup. So we propose three delicious recipes to downsize while getting lots of fresh fruit and flavor, created by Sidney Fry, MS, RD

Before you browse through the three proposed recipes, be sure to read the smoothie tips, to get the best possible results.

ADD ICE LAST: Adding ice first may cause you to overblend, leaving you with a watery drink.
IF YOU USE FROZEN FRUIT: You may not need as much ice. Frozen fruit is as nutrient-packed as fresh—just choose those with no added sugars.
SELECT A PREMIUM THYME HONEY: In the market you will find several options of thyme honey, which however contain as little as 18% of thyme pollen grains. In order to enjoy the amazing properties of thyme honey, opt for FoodsCross’ 80% premium thyme honey in numbered jars, available in our online shop.

Check the three recipes and start planning your breakfast menu for the week!

Peaches, banana and honey (231 calories)
1 1/2 cups sliced fresh peaches + 1/2 cup nonfat buttermilk + 1/2 medium banana + 2 teaspoons honey 80% + 1/2 cup crushed ice

Ginger, Berries, Oats and honey (179 calories)
1/4 cup prepared oatmeal + 1/4 cup 1% low-fat milk + 1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger + 1 cup fresh blackberries + 1/2 cup sliced strawberries + 1 teaspoon honey 80% + 1/2 cup ice

Creamy Mango, Avocado, honey and Lime (191 calories)
1/4 cup sliced avocado + 1 cup sliced Champagne mango + 1 tablespoon lime juice + 1 tablespoon fresh mint + 1 teaspoon honey 80% + 2 cups crushed ice
