Green tea helps keep weight off!

Scientists think they’ve figured out how green tea helps keep weight off, but you need to drink several cups a day.

Green tea appears to block the digestion of starch which can contribute to weight gain, according to a study. The researchers gave a wafer containing green tea extract, the equivalent to drinking several cups a day, to people after they’d eaten a breakfast cereal.

Jaroslaw Walkowiak of Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland, found that a single dose of green tea extract decreased starch digestion and absorption. Previous trials have shown that habitual tea consumption has a positive effect on health. “Green tea is known worldwide for its beneficial effects on human health,” the researchers write in the journal Scientific Reports. “However, objective data evaluating this influence in humans is scarce.”

The authors note that the dose of green tea extract used in the latest study was equivalent to at least several cups of green tea. Further studies are needed to determine the mechanism involved and the clinical significance of the chemical components of green tea.

Now is the time to try some Iced Ginger Green Tea, so we got you a recipe:


3 green tea bags
FoodCross honey (4 spoons)
1 -inch piece ginger, sliced, plus more for garnish

Put the green tea bags into a heatproof container and pour in 1 quart boiling water. Let steep until it comes to room temperature, about 1 hour. Remove the tea bags and discard. While the tea is steeping, in a saucepan over medium-high heat, bring 1 cup water, the honey, and ginger to a boil. Stir to dissolve the honey, remove from the heat, and allow to cool to room temperature, about 1 hour. Store the tea and ginger simple syrup in the refrigerator until ready to serve. To serve, fill glasses with ice and pour in the tea. Sweeten, to taste, with the ginger honey syrup. Garnish with a slice of ginger.

Source: Science Alert